License for web presentation

Sources, CSS styles and content of this web presentation are licensed.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
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permitionCan be copied, distributed and transmitted.
conditionMust be attributed to the author.
limitationCannot be used for commercial purposes.
limitationCannot be modified, transformed or used as a basis for derivative work.

Licenses for other software

Each published work in the Software section is licensed by one of the following licenses.

Code Project Open License (CPOL)

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permitionCan be copied, distributed and transmitted.
conditionMust be attributed to the author.
permitionCan be used for commercial purposes.
permitionCan be modified, transformed and used as a basis for derivative work published under different license.
permitionCan be published without source code.

GNU General Public License (GPL)

GNU General Public License
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permitionCan be copied, distributed and transmitted.
conditionMust be attributed to the author.
permitionCan be used for commercial purposes.
permitionCan be modified, transformed and used as a basis for derivative work.
conditionMust be published under the same or less restrictive license.
conditionMust be published with source code.

BSD 3-Clause License

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permitionCan be copied, distributed and transmitted.
conditionMust be attributed to the author.
permitionCan be used for commercial purposes.
permitionCan be modified, transformed and used as a basis for derivative work published under different license.
permitionCan be published without source code.

Freeware License

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permitionCan be copied, distributed and transmitted.
conditionMust be attributed to the author.
limitationCannot be used for commercial purposes.
limitationCannot be modified, transformed or used as a basis for derivative work.
limitationCannot be decompiled, disassembled or reverse-engineered.